Since monsters join the party too, they wanted to make them more useful, so N1 concentrated a bit on that and monsters also have skills.
There's a new skill system where you can learn and equip different skills; since there's a limit to the amount of skills you can have at a time, they want the player to try out different combinations. When you pick up a monster and use it as a weapon, that character acquires the monster's skills, too. You can also pick up items on the field and use them as weapons, but they note that you can still buy and equip stuff ahead of time.
Geo Panels are giant cubes in this game. You can pick up and rearrange blocks in order go create crossways or bridges to get across. Throwing isn't the only option to get around now.
Prinnies, Eringa, saber kitties, chefs, and merchants (?) make a return in Disgaea 3. Who knows what wonderful cameos will be in this game! (haaaah.)
...MORE TO BE ADDED (when it appears.)
System **Added 9/21**
システム System
Two-level Toss
After forming a tower, the person at the bottom can execute the THROW command (投げる;) to toss the person at the top of the tower to higher heights! Remember that in the old games, using the THROW command with a tower would throw the entire upper tower instead of just the person at the top.
Throwing Receive
If you toss a character to an ALLY character, that ally could catch your tossed ally and throw them an few extra spaces based on their direction. This also works on Monsters, as in they can throw in this manner.
Demon Change
Monsters can now morph into weapons in which a partner can use to execute a strong technical attack. To do this, you must equip a certain demon ability to that monster. Example, for Werecat, you could equip "Double Lock On" for partner to execute "Screw Claw" attack.
Mability - Demon Ability
I believe I explained this before
One can incorporate a maximum of two special augmentation abilities to improve your character's performance in battle, or allow Monster creatures to execute Demon Change skills with a partner. Basically this implement makes maxing out stats 1 step more complicated.
MAbilities **Added 9/21**
A skill system outlined in one of the scans outlines the ability to select 2 augmentation ability, dubbed "Mability" -> "Demon Ability". For example. "Paling Slash" increase ATK based on 20% of the DEF stat.
Translation brought to you by Styxdivine @ NISAmerica forums.
STORY - Translated from Disgaea 3's JPN SITE -- **Added 9/21**
Disgaea 3 Plot Summary
Translated by Arashiken @ NIS America Official Forums, used with permission.
Page 1:
A room in the Demon Lord's castle.
In his room, containing formaline and mounted animals and feeling like a research lab,
Mao was completely focused on reading a manga.
The manga was a story of a great hero defeating an evil Demon Lord.
After he finished reading the manga, Mao made a momentous decision.
"As of today, I'm going to become a hero!"
Even as a joke, the only son of the chairman of Maritsu Evil Academy, that charmain also being the Demon Lord, saying he would become a "hero" would be a serious affair.
However, Mao, who aimed to defeat his father, using the reasoning that "Of course, the one to defeat a Demon Lord would naturally be a hero", began thinking of how to obtain the power necessary to become a hero.
Mao, on the advice of his attendant, Jiiya, decided to capture a hero and figure out the mystery behind the power of heroes.
The one who defeats a Demon Lord is a hero!
This is an unshakable Golden Rule!
There is no mistake in my thinking!!
Page 2:
Mao began searching for a legendary hero, and knowing of this, Raspberyl thought "Mao, the honor student, becoming a hero = Mao having his delinquent debut and quite possibly becoming the school's number one delinquent".
Bringing two of her schoolgirl companions along, she quickly went to try to persuade Mao to not become a hero.
Of course, since she's a delinquent, she first tried to settle things by talking, being opposed to violence.
Mao, having learned the whereabouts of a hero, went to find one who had turned up at the Demon Lord's castle.
On the way there, Raspberyl appeared and gave Mao some advice so that he would not slip from the path of the honor student.
Not a single glance or anything!
You sure have to guts to ignore me, the number one delinquent at this school!
Page 3:
......seeing this scene from afar, the self-styled hero Almaz misunderstood, thinking "that boy and girl have been [kidnapped] by the demons".
Although Almaz did not have the courage to battle demons, nor did he possess wisdom, he believed that a hero must face difficulties head-on. Thus, even though he was weak, he revealed himself, planning to save the two of them.
Mao became very excited at the sudden appearance of a hero.
Almaz bore the title of "Hero".
In the hopes of obtaining that title, Mao captured Almaz.
Will this result in Mao becoming a hero and defeating the Demon Lord?
Or perhaps will Raspberyl's persuasion be successful?
What will Almaz's fate be?
This demonic story filled with ups and downs starts here.
(Almaz), that's right! I'm a hero!
I'm in the middle of saving you right now, so just wait!
Some translations about gameplay and MISC information.
Nippon Ichi Software's popular Simulation RPG "Makai Senki Disgaea" series' 3rd outing, "Makai Senki Disgaea 3" (hereafter "3").
As we've introduced before, many characters have been remodeled for "3". Also, lots of little details are in it to improve and add to the systems.
In this, our 3rd piece about the game, we'll be looking at the stage for this game, "Maritsu Evil Academy"; new characters; and a follow-up report on the battle system, which we introduced last time!
*Click the screenshots to enlarge.
(First blue bar)
■オープニングムービーは主要キャラが大 ;活躍のアニメーション
~An opening movie containing lots of action with the main characters
The stage for "3" is a Netherworld school, an "Evil Academy", in which good and evil are reversed; there, Mao, the son of the Demon Lord [Overlord], wants to become a hero (which would make him a delinquent in the Netherworld) and defeat his father. The protagonist, Mao, is with his childhood friend and the school's number one delinquent (our idea of a delinquent is a Netherworld honor student) Raspberyl, and the hero otaku + self-styled hero Almaz; truly, a group of characters each with their own peculiarities.
The opening for "3" is behind handled by the animation company ufotable, and the high quality is noticeable at a glance. Of course, all of the main characters are in the movie, and even generic characters and secret characters appear. Characters dance in time to the music, and there's bold movement in the high quality animations.
And now, let's introduce a character who also appears in that movie, a human princess, Sapphire.
Sapphire Rhodonite
(Character Voice: Hasegawa Akiko)
She really loves cute things, and is the princess of a certain kingdom in the human world. Belying her cute appearance, she is part of a super-mobile armed battle group and aims to become the strongest living being in history. Her mottos are "victory goes to the one who acts first" and "kill before you are killed". She is unable to cry at sad things and there is a dark shadow in the depths of her heart.
(Second blue bar)
■キャラ育成が楽しめる「席替え」「担任 ;凶師」「委員会」
~Character training is fun "Changing Seats" "Homeroom Teacher" "Committee Meetings"
The "Evil Academy" that Mao and the others attend serves as your base between the story and battle sections. In Mao's classroom, you can make ally unit characters and perform various activities related to training.
To go to the classroom, talk to the class rep standing near the two Prinny statues. Inside the classroom you'll find your allied characters, a bunch of desks, your homeroom teacher who can cause events to occur; it's very lively. Now, let's explain three systems that you can use here to train your allies: "Changing Seats", "Homeroom Teacher", and "Committee Meetings".
Changing Seats
Characters sitting in the seats in the classroom can easily perform "Cooperative Attacks" during battle. "Cooperative Attacks" are a special attack system in which, when a character attacks, adjacent allies have a certain probability of joining in the attack for big damage. Of course, the more often "Cooperative Attacks" go off, the more advantage it'll give you in battle, so when you have characters that you want to cooperate with each other, you can change their seats to put them next to each other.
Homeroom Teacher
You can choose your homeroom teacher from among a number of characters. Teachers have different education objectives, like focusing on ATK or focusing on INT, so when you level up, you'll see an effect based on their focus. In other words, when you level up, you'll get a bonus to the appropriate stat. Also, if you use the "PA Mike" item during battle, you can summon your homeroom teacher to help you.
In the school, there are various officials and committees, such as the Public Morals Committee and the Shoemaker, and you can get different sorts of bonuses by having your allies belong to such groups. For instance, the representative of a certain area, if standing next to a fellow member, can use the magic that that member knows. Also, if you have a character attached to the "Association of Girls with Glasses", glasses will become available in the Armor Room; various items and abilities can be obtained in this way.
(Third blue bar)
■ゲーム内容は会議で決まる!?「生屠会({ 79;いとかい)」システム
~The contents of the game are decided by committee!? "Student Council" System
If you select "Homeroom" in the classroom, you'll go to the "Student Council". The "Student Council" is similar to the "Dark Assembly" of previous games; items on the agenda will be voted on, you can create generic units, and you can establish committees and officials. Also, to go to extra dungeons with strong enemies that aren't related to the main story, you'll need the approval of the Student Council.
At the Student Council, you start by choosing the agenda with the character who's attending. Decisions are on a point system: if the yes votes outnumber the no votes, the item on the agenda is approved. Also, you can give bribes to the Student Council members before the voting. Since the more powerful members' votes are worth more points, it's necessary to think about whom you'll give your bribes to.
Additionally, if the council rejects your proposal, you can attempt to "Persuade by Force". If you choose this, you must fight all of the council members who voted No; if you defeat them all, you will have passed the item forcibly.
We'd like to introduce the illustrations for the Martial Artist (Male) and Martial Artist (Female), two of types of generic characters you can create at the Student Council. There are other types of character, such as Warriors, Mages, Ninjas, and Archers, as well; the number of character types available will exceed the 98 of the previous game.
(Fourth blue bar)
■教室以外にも見所いっぱい!「魔立邪悪 ;学園」の変わった施設
~There are lots of highlights beyond the classroom, too! Maritsu Evil Academy's unusual facilities
In the school beyond the classroom, there are places to buy weapons and defensive items, as well as a recovery area, allowing you to prepare yourself before battle. We'll now introduce some of those school facilities to you.
Weapon Room, Armor Room, tons of rooms
Places to buy items that are indispensable in battle, such as weapons and armor. Become a regular customer and you'll be able to have the Student Council recognize this, making stronger weapons and armor available.
Each character can equip up to 1 weapon and 3 pieces of armor. Humanoid characters have their choice of 7 weapon types: fist, sword, spear, axe, bow, gun, and staff. Monster-type character have their choice of 2 types of monster weapons.
School Infirmary
You can recover from damage you received in battle and negative battle status effects at the School Infirmary. However, it costs money to be healed, and the price will depend on the amount of damage and character levels. Also, based on how much you've spent here, you can get gifts that aren't available at the Weapon or Armor rooms.
Skill Swap Room
At the Skill Swap Room, you can purchase "Mabilities", special abilities that are added to characters, as well as buying and strengthening special abilities for weapons. In addition to their own inherent Mability, each character can equip one additional Mability, and you can change what they have equipped here. To purchase them, you use "Mana" which you get by defeating enemies in battle. Powerful special moves require large amounts of Mana to purchase.
Time-Space Guide
Talk to Jiiya, the Time-Space Guide, and you can go to a battle map. Of course, you'll go to a new map to progress the story, but you can also go to maps you've cleared before to level up. Once you've entered a battle map, you can't leave until you clear it. Be sure to check your party's status and equipment before challenging a map.
(Fifth blue bar)
■槍系武器に変身!サキュパスの「魔チェ ;ンジ」を大公開!
~Transform into a Spear-type weapon! Introducing the Succubus's "Ma-change"!
Battle is much as it has been in the previous games, a Simulation RPG using a turn-based system. But there are also new battle systems in "3", "Ma-change", "Ma-bility", and "Geo Block", which you can use to help you against your enemies. There are also other new systems, like making a tower of people and having all the members of the tower attack an enemy together in a "Tower Attack"; a unique battle system characteristic of the Disgaea series. There are also a lot of showy special attacks and magic spells. This time, we'll be introducing some new special techniques and magic. We'll also look at the monster-type unit Succubus's "Ma-change".
Roaring Flame, Shishi's Tossed Stir-Fry
[Shishi - "left-hand guardian dog at a Shinto shrine" -wwwjdic]
閃走 重ね十字
Flash Run - Repeated Cross Slash
[Note: This is a very loose translation]
Giga Fire
Succubus's "Ma-change"
The Succubus transforms into a Spear-type weapon. It lets you use a unique special attack, "Spiral Heart".
(Sixth blue bar)
■毎月第4週に配布決定!情報満載「邪悪 0;信」をGETしよう
~Distributed in the fourth week of each month! Let's get "Evil News", fully loaded with information
Special Unique Techniques ( 専用の特殊技 )
Mao - Shining Plasma
Raspberyl - Banishing Circle
Almaz - Flash Run - Repeating Cross Slash (!?) 閃走 重ね十字
Salvatore - 極上・銃王舞神 The Best - Rifle King Dancing God