Nenena @ Livejournal was gracious enough to scan in the 20 Page MEGA VOLUME of Makai Senki Disgaea 3 in Dengeki Playstation. This update features synopsis for the game, general battle information, and the starting classes/monsters you get. This is a sort of mini guide for the game once it comes out, to get fans ready! ♥
There's even a Miss Marshmallow contest for Disgaea 3! The nicest pair of jugs was awarded to Princess Sapphire Rhodonite, I don't think she quite enjoys that, Jiiya...
New summons and spells are shown. Both Mao and Almaz have their own "summons". Almaz calls for the power of his Goddess in order to save the day! (Help Us, Goddess! is the name of the skill.) Mao calls upon ... I'm not even sure how to translate this... Vaza Aiglun (?) for his summon.
As you can tell from the above image, Laharl and co make their appearance and they make sure everyone knows of it. The "King of Overlords" (as he's referred to here), Laharl, has never missed an appointment to cameo! What adventures await him as he confronts Mao? We'll see!
Be sure to check this update!
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