On June 5th, 2008 NISAmerica held an exclusive press release at the Zebulon Bar and Cafe in San Francisco. Here, they presented Disgaea DS, Rhapsody : A Musical Adventure for DS, a new title by the name of A Witch's Tale for DS, Puchi Puchi Virus, and the Playstation 3 exclusive, Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice.
Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice will be released in the United States on August 26th, 2008. DoubleJump Books will be working on the strategy guide.
Please look forward to it! ♥
On a personal level, I'm very happy. Souhei Niikawa (新川宗平), Yamamoto-sensei, and Haru all signed my copy of Disgaea 3 Limited Edition. I was a very, very, very happy person that night. Thank you so much, even though it is unlikely they will ever read this.
You are really lucky x3 .
Can't wait for D3 in English, my Japanese is very poor...
it's just me or the graphics are little better?
Tim showed me the picture of you guys with the programmer and designer of D3, holding up the layout I did for the article you and Iaian wrote for Disgaea 3! That is SO awesome!
Oh yeah, I'm the production director over at HGM and DJ such. Nice art on your DA, by the way! You seem more stoked for D3 than me!
Hahaha, thank you both of you. The graphics are actually quite a bit of an improvement if you look at the backgrounds and effects, but the sprites are still like in Disgaea 2...
Thank you, Ash. I'm very stoked! I love Disgaea 3. :D
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