Source : Phat Company
I want one. :>
This is a blog for Makai Senki Disgaea 3 (魔界戦記ディスガイア3) / Disgaea 3 : Absence of Justice, a Sony Playstation 3 title slated to be released in Japan on January 31st, 2008 and in the United States on August 28th, 2008. This blog will contain scenes, spoilers, screenshots, and videos of this Strategy RPG.
I want one of those so bad! lol
I'm going to search ebay every day until I find this. My life will ntbe complete until I have a Raspberyl figure.
Somehow i feel we'll got Nendoroid invasion during this next six months. Let's say:
Kyouka, Yoshikawa, Luccini, Ignis, Shana Red Hair, Shana melon pan, Comtiq Tsukasa Hiiragi & Miyuki Takara, Exelica, Saber Lion, Yoko, Len & Ren Kagamine, etc, you name it XD
t it, you can order it from it's a very good online shop... and not too expensive in oposition with Ebay !
Aw, so adorable^^I totally want one too:) Btw great blog^^I'm a fan :)
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