I don't understand this scene
at all.
Though I'm glad the focus is on Almaz, (mostly because his resemblance to Ash is extremly uncanny) I'm not sure what to think of Marona now! W-Where did she learn words like that?! I- ... I don't really... I can't really imagine Marona ever saying things like that, even as a trick. Marona is a terrible liar! うそだ!!!
She sounds like herself at the end, but that still was something I wasn't expecting...
Aha~ Sapphire taunting Almaz was pretty fabulous though. He even had to reassure her that she was the only one for him. Oh Almaz, stop talking in hearts. ♥ (Though, in all honesty. You really should stop calling her Hime-sama for a
very good reason, Almaz... ) I'll be happy to get Marona on my team still, but I'm not really sure what to think about all of this. Until I get a better grasp of the situation and actually see the scene myself, this might change my view of Maronakins. Uwah... what an unexpected developement.
Here's the scene :
Blade Zero : There is a Cave of Trials, I need to unlock it. It's a whopping 7000 mana for it, ouch!
EDITED UPDATE : Information on the Scene makes it easier to understand, Marona's innocent heart was stolen by a legendary Overlord. Apparently that's why she's acting that way. That makes a bit more sense, to say the least... I believe the legendary overlord is Baal and if so I'm going to seriously need to kick his butt for this. M-Marona is so cute as a sweet innocent girl, not as a punk! Grr!
Edit the Second : Wonderfish @ Livejournal.com was kind enough to provide a rough translation of Marona's scene. Be aware it does feature a bit of swearing.
Marona: Ah, what a pain.
Delicious Almaz: Hm? A girl alone in a place like this?
Excuse me, you there. You're a human girl, aren't you? Isn't it dangerous for you to be somewhere like this? I mean, it is the Makai.
Marona: Who ... are you?
Almaz: I'm Almaz. And you?
Marona: I don't have to answer to scum like you. (Rough, I can't figure out what one of the words is. >.>)
Almaz: Haha. You're way more of a rebel than you look, aren't you? (Literally more like "runaway" but with overtones of being a rough character.)
Marona: Lay off. Whine to the guy who stole my pure heart.
Mao: The Legendary Maoh's handiwork again?
Raspberyl: Stealing the heart of an innocent girl ... That's unforgivable!
Princess: But what's his goal? What could it all mean?
Marona: Are you guys here to steal something from me too? Then you'd better come at me with all your strength!
Marona: Bah. I got my ass kicked.
... Well, nothing I can do. Go ahead and boil me or grill me or wrap me in seaweed. See if I care.
Mao: (... Okay, I can't make heads or tails of what he says without being able to see the writing better. S-sorry... I think he's saying basically "okay, let's eat the idiot, then!" tho'.)
Almaz: W-wait, Mao! She seems like a victim of the legendary Maoh! Let's take her with us!
Sapphire: What is this, Almaz? You sure seem to be taking her side. Do you have a thing for that kind of girl?
Almaz: N-no! I am steadfastly for my Princess!
Sapphire: Then have you forgotten that we're newlyweds? Do you want a divorce already?
Almaz: W-what? Forgotten that we're newlyweds?
Sapphire: I was joking. A hero cannot overlook someone in peril, that's all. I was just teasing you.
Almaz: Oh, Princess! You surprise me.
Sapphire: Oh, you're so funny. I never get tired of watching you.
Marona: You bastards are so fuckin' annoying.
Mao: Umu. Well, you're bound to be more useful than the newlyweds. (That's the jist anyway. Blurry kaaanji.)
Okay. I'll make you my vassal.
Marona: (These guys will be so useful. They said they'd get me back my pure heart! But even so ... Bah.