I didn't sleep last night, haha.
I wrote my thoughts about the characters on my journal, I'm just going to copy and paste it here. I really should go sleep ... sometime.
Spoilers for the End of Disgaea 3
The above scene made me cry. No joke.
I want this game in English.
I admit, chapter 7 seriously made me wonder about the story. I mean, come on now. That was some weird plot twist. The final chapter made me... made me realize what amazing things these characters went through for each other. I NEVER know where to begin, but let me do my best.
Mao : Mao, from the start, I really enjoyed. During the course of the game, his cruel antics and his cold shoulder approach seriously threw me off a lot. I really wanted to like him, I thought. I really, really did. His emotions, his anger towards his father... it really made me feel bad for him. But you know, when you find out the real reason he was upset, the real problems he has locked inside... he's a good kid who misses his father. His father's been dead for 200 years, and I think he hasn't accepted that at all.
At the end of the game, he finally has a chance to talk to his dad. At that moment, it was when I realized that this was what Mao really was like. His father's been watching over him all of these years and wishes for him to be a good Overlord.
Final Title : 魔王マオ (Maou Mao) Overlord Mao.
The fact that he doesn't kill the final boss (instead STRAPS HIM DOWN TO DISSECT HIM LATER) and everyone comes to an understanding... really made the ending for me. Thank you, NIS. You somehow , somehow made this work out.
I feel that once the game comes out in English, I love absolutely love Mao.
Almaz : ... here, I know that there's no denying how much I absolutely and horribly love this character. Not only because he's Nise!Ash... he's very honest and good hearted. He's a good person, all and all. He wanted to become a hero to save the princess from getting kidnapped by the Overlord, had a rocky start with her, but he worked hard in order to save her. After he was poisoned, he told everyone he was okay. It was only when Mao was about to destroy the human world did Almaz speak up and clearly show his illness.
He believes in his friends.
He considers Mao his friend, through and through. He thanks everyone for being there for him, and... he truly deserved and earned that Hero title. Live strong, Almaz!
Raspberyl : I'll hold off on saying too much about her because I want to see her in action in English. She's very cute, I just have trouble connecting with her because I don't understand many of her lines. She's such a freak for rare characters, though! ♥
Sapphire : Okay, so at first I didn't really like her much. She was okay, you know? When I got her... she shoots Almaz. Why does she have a gun at the beginning?! Why?! That was weird... anyway! I thought it was pretty cliche'd to have Almaz get hit by the poison instead of her, but eh. It would be something he'd do. It's her fault he got poisoned though, she wanted to play with a random doll that was dropped on the ground. (Though, this was all MASTERLY PLANNED by NEGADUCK.) Anyway... when she started crying for Almaz that... that was expected. XD; I DID laugh at how she was so happy about it though, and Almaz was trying not to... be weirded out. I LOVED when she tried to CHAIN SAW Mao. That was amazing, she totally earned points for that.
Champloo : NINJA. He knows everything, understands the situations, has monologues and he seems so very wise~ I was surprised that Almaz really seems to enjoy Champloo's company. I think Champloo helps him BECOME A MANNNN (...no-not like... ) so that's good~
The Final Boss : ... I don't even know where to begin with him. I don't understand his intentions too well, so I will just leave him alone for now. I kind of wish he reverted back to Jiiya form, though. I like Jiiya form better then PSEUDO MAJIN/ZETTA Hero Guy. He wasn't a hero, Almaz is a hero! He has courage and fights for those he cares for!
Also, I took him down in like 4 turns. e_e;; Hahha. Mao was the only casualty...
So. How did the ending leave me?
Content... hahaha. It was a really nice ending. I-... Mao and Almaz are great friends. I love their interractions and I love how the ending didn't take itself seriously after everything.
Great ending theme too.
But... Harada barely drew any end images and that makes me sad. Hahaha.
Total Play Time : 30 Hours. (SPEED RUN)
Highest Level Character : Finnegan ( 95 )
In Conclusion :
I'm happy you got your happy ending, Almaz.
You deserved it.
Now to get Marona...!
1 comment:
Uwah~ It's amazing you've already beat it! I think I'm going to thoroughly enjoy this game to death, judging by your comments.
Can't wait for this to be released.
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