Since I'll be talking about the game after it's out in Japan, (and I've received my copy already) I won't be using spoiler white-out anymore. I will still give a warning, though.
- Mao is so emotional. I swear, if I was Almaz I would be worried.
- Asuka sounds like Castile.
- Kyoko sounds like Flonne. It's so weird.
- The pupil system seems to be gone or updated. I understand you have to transmigrate a lot now to get certain skills (they can't be bought in MAbility shops) but you CAN'T change the class of unique characters! I really don't know how I'm supposed to get Mao a skill other than Cool. I'm hoping that if I transmigrate Mao he'll switch from "cool" to "fire" or "wind".
... Yes.
Mao is my magic caster.
It kinda seems weird to use a staff on him now that I've seen how he acts with a sword, but I can't help it! He's definitively amazing as a sword user and a magic user. He's my highest leveled character and I'M NOT TRYING TO LEVEL HIM. I'm trying to level up Almaz and my healers so I can unlock archers! Uwah, this is going to be a bit difficult~
I might have to modify my party more than I thought. Usually I have Beatrix be a master and give her mage pupils, but I can't do that in this game. It seems that even if they're in the same committee - you can't perm. learn your members skills. Sure, Mao can cast fire with his fire skull boy next to him, but that's it! He doesn't earn exp to reach level 1. How frustrating...
Anyway, Almaz and Finnegan are my sword users.
Here's a list of my characters so far.
Mao - Level 8 マオ
Almaz - Level 8 アルマース
Warrior - Finnegan フィネガン
Warrior - Dahlia ダリア
Fighter - Metin メティン
Fighter - Anna アンナ
Healer - Beatrix ビアトリクス
Healer - Emilio エミリオ
Thief - Halo ヘイロ
Mage Girl - Akiko アキコ
Mage Boy - Simon (might delete him though ...)
I think that's how I wrote everyone's names. I also have a Prinny. Forgot what his name was though.
Oh right, since I'm thinking about names...
Holy COW, what horrible names! (The randomly generated ones) I- some of them are kinda, sorta normal?! And then it kinda just goes all to hell. Formaledy- I CAN'T EVEN WRITE THAT WORD IN ENGLISH, NIS.
The girl names are really pretty though! *A*
He goes "Ganbaruzo!!" and "CHACHACHACHACHA" <-- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? XD It's so adorable!
Aha, he also likes to go "Ano~~~" and "LUCKY~! ♥" (yes, in English.)
There's one scene where he's all "Ahahaha, that's wonderful. I really think-"
And then out of freaking nowhere he goes -
"NO WHAT. WHAT. THIS IS INSANE WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE AWOEIFJAOEFIAJEFWOAIJFAOWIFJAWEF" I swear to god, listening to Shimono Hiro freak out is one of the most amazing things EVER. He's so incredibly GOOD AT IT. I love how he portrays Almaz, I think he's absolutely perfect. SO HAPPY HE'S HIS VOICE ACTOR. I CAN'T DESCRIBE MY HAPPINESS. Wait, I'll do it with a line of hearts. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Oh man, Machiko-sensei is so funny. She entered the classroom once. (She comes riding on bats!) I went up to her with Mao to speak to her and she-
She -
No, Machiko-sensei. We're not trying to have student-teacher relations with you.
Oh man, she's so cute. She has this high pitched voice and she goes "DAME~ MAO-KUN~" NO. STOP. I'M NOT TOUCHING YOU ANYWHERE. I'M JUST TRYING TO TALK TO YOU you two-bitwhoresob.
Ah~ I do love the Homeroom though. It's so fun to talk to your characters and see what's on their mind. Almaz keeps complaining that his stomach hurts (or he'll find a lucky coin on the ground. Honey, I don't think any coin you find has been lucky so far.)
One of my thief girls asked me if she could steal Mao's heart. XD; SORRY that's -. .. that's chapter 2!
Onward! ♥
1 comment:
Haha, this sounds so awesome. I want this game sooooo bad >.<
I'm glad your having a good time with it!
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