Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes. I turn 21 on Monday, so this means a lot to me. ♥ I'll try to post more often and to greater detail, just because I enjoy this game so much.
Before I forget:
Makai Senki Disgaea 3 Arranged OST
Release Date : 4/16/08
Price : 3000 Yen (27 USD)
Preorder :
Makai Senki Disgaea 3 Drama CD Vol. 1 ~ How Bizarre! A Demon Boot Camp! ~
Release Date : 3/26/06
Price : 3000 Yen (27 USD)
Preorder :
I'll probably upload these and post them here.
Also, if you haven't gotten it already :
Track Listing (in English)
This isn't an official translation, just myself translating manually. If there's any errors, please feel free to correct me. I'm not 100% positive on some of these. Anything in parentheses are my notes.
1. Maritsu Evil Academy
2. Intoxicating Street
3. March to the End
4. Wanderer's Poem
5. AKUMA Galops
6. Mr. Champloo
7. Maritsu Evil Academy's Anthem
8. Power Streaming
9. Rock Crystal
10. Onward, Mao ~Instrumental Version~ (I have no idea if that's the right ゆく)
11. Solitary Room
13. Maritsu Evil Academy's Recruitment and Matriculation Commercial Song (... what.)
14. Modern Times
15. Burst Out
16. Darkness's Embrace
17. Great Glider
18. Unlucky Hero
1. The Boy Who Holds a Wicked Heart
2. Extreme Outlaw OUJA (Ouja = a form of saying King)
3. Netherworld Fugue
4. Blue Concert
5. The Trip to Glory
6. Chinese Sword
7. Baby PIG
8. Orange Runner
9. Tragic 7th Guard
10. Windin'Rinding
11. Onward, Almaz?
12. CosmicRays
13. Onward, Mao!
14. The Young Pure-Hearted Story (Clumsy translation)
15. The Height of the Storm
16. Hot Spot
17. Memory's Whisper
18. Last World
19. A Song For You
Hello, I just wanted to say that thank you for uploading the ST. You have no idea how much I have been anticipating this game. It's always good to see a passionate Disgaea/Nippon Ichi game enthusiast.
It says it gone try again
Drats! Just when I think I've found the CD, the file no longer exists. -starts pounding the floor- dammit, dammit dammit. XDX
Oh ya, I visit somewhat frequently for fun. I've also stumbled upon your DA a few times...
Hi there, I want to ask that can u please upload the OST again? Seems like i cant open the link to sendspace ^^;
Hi, could you upload the Disgaea 3 OST again please.
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