These were ripped by a friend until I receive my own Special Edition set. (Still waiting, curse you Play-Asia!)
Extreme Outlaw Ouja - Makai Senki Disgaea 3 Base theme (I'm pretty sure that's Mao singing)
Maritsu Evil Academy [Arranged] - Makai Senki Disgaea 3 Opening.
The image above was drawn by Takehito Harada, the artist of the Makai Senki Disgaea series. He celebrates and praises the release of the third game. It is quite an adorable image. ♥
A word of mention -
Disgaea 3 sold 40,000 copies on it's first day in Japan. We'll see how it does in the week~
Wagh! Thank you for posting these, and thanks to your friend for ripping them! :DDDDDD
Item god status achieved there...I will marry you.
no wait...i'm not ready...stop pressurin me!
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