Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Almaz Ending + Worst Ending


Haha~ Spoilers, like usual.

Almaz ending cleared.

Unlucky Hero indeed...


If you defeat the final boss with just Almaz, you get a special ending where Mao wants to kill the final boss but Almaz steps in and says he can't. They argue, Almaz challenges Mao to a fight and...

Mao vs. Almaz

You control Almaz in this battle. Mao hurts. We nearly KO'd each other at one point there...

After the battle, Mao's father watched the whole scene and decides to proclaim Almaz as the rightful heir to his throne. Almaz laughs and asks "You're joking, right?" to which Mao's father replies...

"I'm not."

Cue Almaz letting the whole idea sink in and utterly flip out.
Almaz is made Overlord.
Princess leaves him!
Mao and Raspberyl just kind of stare a bit.
Champloo seems ecstatic.
Almaz keeps crying at everyone to not leave him alone and...

The ending fades to black and credits start rolling.
The ending image is of a crying Demon Overlord Almaz with tears streaming down his face.

A+ ENDING. I kinda wish there was an ALMAZ-MODE where you could control Almaz, but sadly it just starts New Game+ Automatically. I'm going to try for Jiiya's ending tomorrow, since it meets almost the same conditions except with Mao instead of Almaz.

Worst Ending (99 Ally Kills) Cleared~
I swear, this is totally shaping up like a Kingdom Hearts plot.

The Death Toll is...

Almaz dies first. Poison.

Mao's heart dies next. Mao kills off his true feelings and goes into the Human World to destroy it. Before his death, Almaz pleads with him to stop all of this. Mao doesn't listen and even scoffs Almaz's death in this ending. Sapphire and Raspberyl are taken aback by this and...

Mao enters the human world to destroy it.
Princess Sapphire and Raspberyl fight to stop him.

Sapphire is killed.

Mao wants to kill Great Hero Aurum and Raspberyl tries to stop him. Mao tries to unleash his "darkness within" and Raspberyl hugs him to stop it.

Great Hero Aurum strikes Raspberyl down. Raspberyl is killed. This was all a part of his plan, he killed Almaz and wanted Mao to succumb to darkness and...

Mao slaughters him.

The ending of the bad end is that Mao screams and causes the human world to go up in flames.

Champloo-sensei takes a moment to reflect at how horribly wrong everything went before the screen fades black and...

That's it.

I admit, it's amazing to see how horribly wrong a situation like this can go. I have to give it to Nippon Ichi Software, they made a wonderfully well rounded game in terms of story.


Blaze_Zero said...

Rasberyl?? Nooooooooooo! I'm never getting the worst ending >.<

Anonymous said...

wow thanks for this info.

in any case,that worst ending
Does not compare with the worst ending of Disgaea 2 (i guess.) is more worst D=.